SWU Assignment: World Social Work Day Student Essay Competition 2021

SWU World Social Work Day 2021 student essay competition will award £500 grants to four winners

Calling all Social Work Students: Answer this year’s SWU Assignment question for the chance to win a £500 grant. You have until June 4 to submit your entry.

The Social Workers Union (SWU) is pleased to announce the launch of our annual World Social Work Day essay competition. We invite social work students undertaking an undergraduate or postgraduate social work degree in the UK to participate. All completed entries will have the chance to win one of four £500 grants.

World Social Work Day takes place this year on March 16 and SWU stands in solidarity with social workers across the globe. You can read more about the chosen theme of ‘Ubuntu’ and see the BASW and SWU World Social Work Month events here. Join in on social media with the hashtag #WSWD2021.

John McGowan, General Secretary of SWU, said, “I am delighted that the interest in our assignment competition continues to grow each year and the calibre of entries is always strong. The relationship between SWU and social work students is important as they are future practitioners and hopefully trade unionists.  So, what better theme to have for our future social workers than one linked to activism?”

The winning SWU Assignments will compellingly answer the following question in 750 – 1000 words:

“I want to make a difference” is a common phrase used by social workers and students when asked why they joined the profession. So is choosing to become a social worker a political decision as well as an action and, if so, are all social workers activists by default? Discuss.

All SWU Assignments must:

  • Use the assignment question above as the title
  • Be typed
  • Fall within the 750 – 1000 word limit
  • Follow an academic process (such as including a word count and using the Harvard Referencing System)
  • Include a covering letter with your full name, address, university, year of study, and academic tutor (if appropriate)

The closing date for the competition is Friday 4th June 2021.

Please send in your completed SWU Assignment before 4 June 2021 to: joanne.marciano@swu-union.org.uk

Completed assignments will be judged by a panel which will include representation from the Austerity Action Group, Carys Phillips (SWU Chair), and Geraldine Nosowska (UK Chair BASW).

Please note: By taking part you are agreeing to SWU using the assignment for future purposes such as newsletters or other forums. Only the winning assignments will be used.

Download the leaflet here.