General Federation of Trade Unions
The General Federation of Trade Unions (GFTU) was established in 1899 and is a democratic organisation responsive to the needs of affiliated trade unions. The GFTU and its educational trust (GFTU ET) offers a range of support including an exceptional programme of online and face-to-face trade union activist courses, leadership and management training, campaigns, organising, and specialist research support for all affiliated unions.
The GFTU includes a joint membership of over 600,000 union members from 28 different unions, including SWU. In 2024 the GFTU celebrated their 125th anniversary, focusing on their founding principles of education, solidarity, and unity in action.
Click here to view the GFTU Education Programme 2023 – 2024 training courses that SWU members can access free of charge or at a discounted rate. Many of the new courses are online and some residential courses are held at GFTU owned hotel and training centre, the Quorn Grange Hotel, which is near Loughborough in Leicestershire. Courses run in a variety of formats throughout the year.
Neurodiversity Pledge for Social Work Employers
This pledge for social work employers has been created by a group of neurodivergent social workers with the backing of the SWU. Its authors hope the pledge will encourage employers to recognise the contribution neurodivergent social workers bring to their roles and commit to act towards a neuro-inclusive workplace.
Click here to learn more about the Neurodiversity Pledge.
STAMMA, the British Stammering Association
STAMMA, the British Stammering Association, is the national UK charity for people who stammer and their allies. STAMMA is one of the earliest charities founded to support people who stammer and has developed a formidable international reputation and a mailing list which covers the globe.
Over the years STAMMA’s focus has shifted from supporting people who stammer, to include parents, speech & language therapists, teachers and professionals working with those who stammer. STAMMA is here to support those who stammer, to help them enjoy respect and consideration and be able to fulfill their potential. STAMMA is here for those who want to work on their stammering, for those who want to accept the way they speak, and for everyone engaged in supporting those who stammer.
Free resources to download:
- STAMMA Guide for Employees: Reasonable Adjustments in the Workplace (PDF, 301 KB)
- STAMMA Guide for Organisations: Reasonable Adjustments in the Workplace (PDF, 391 KB)
- Stammering at work – Issue 1 (PDF, 1,746 KB)
- Stammering at work – Issue 2, includes 2024 Workshop Calendar (PDF, 2,834 KB)
If you’re 16+ and live in the UK you can become a STAMMA member for free.