The Advice and Representation Service (A&R) team
The Advice and Representation Service (A&R) team consists of an experienced group of Trade Union Officials, all of whom are qualified in social work and from a wide variety of social work settings and a broad spectrum of roles and responsibilities.
The collective careers of the A&R team include:
- Volunteer Coordinator/Trainer
- HIV/AIDs project work
- Team manager in substance misuse services and drug rehabs
- Team manager in drug and alcohol services
- Team in Mental Health services
- Area manager in Mental Health Services
- Service Manager covering AMHPs, Emergency Duty Team, Substance Misuse Services, Mental Health social work, and the Hospital teams
- Joint commissioning, training, and development work with Childrens services
- Criminal Justice – Courts, prisons, young offenders institutions
- Hospital Social Work
- Adult Social Work Learning Disabilities Team
- Child protection and safeguarding
- Fostering and adoption
- Children with disabilities
- Complex multi-agency safeguarding
- Services for unaccompanied asylum-seeking children
- Multi agency safeguarding partnerships
- Serious case reviews and domestic homicide reviews
- Service improvement and inspection
- Reviewing complaints for local authorities and fostering agencies
- Work with CAFCASS
- Children and families in a non-statutory setting
- Adult safeguarding
- Practice Educators
The A&R team of Trade Union Officials is led by two Service Managers and supported by the Administration and Initial Response Team. You can learn more about the A&R service here.
Administration and Initial Response Team
Joanne Marciano, Administration Manager
Joanne Marciano is the Administration Manager for the Social Workers Union. She is responsible for the management of HR, Payroll, Finance & Governance Administration and Events.
Joanne joined the SWU staff in January 2016 after working in the care industry for 5 years in various roles including Human Resources, Training, Finance and Operations Management.
Joanne has a Diploma of Higher Education in Psychology, a Level 3 Award in Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Sector (PTLLS) and a Level 3 Certificate in Human Resources Practice. Joanne has also recently achieved the AAT Foundation Certificate in Accounting – Level 2 and is currently studying for the AAT Advanced Diploma in Accounting – Level 3.
In her spare time, Joanne enjoys spending time with her family, socialising with friends, reading and building Lego sets. Her favourite film quote is “Happiness Can Be Found Even in The Darkest Of Times, If One Only Remembers To Turn On The Light.”
Amy Benton, Administrator / Advisor
Amy Benton is part of the Administration team for the Advice and Representation Service. Amy enjoys being the first point of call to members, talking to them and offering them support / advice where applicable. She enjoys being part of the Advice and Representation team and working with and learning from the A&R officers.
Amy graduated from university in 2013 with a 2:1 in Working with Young People, Children and Families (BA Hons). Amy’s background consists of working with children and young people in numerous settings, including residential care homes, community care and educational settings. She also has qualifications in dance and performing arts, and used to compete as a teenager, representing the West Midlands.
In her spare time, Amy enjoys socialising with her friends and family, going on holidays in the sunshine and walking around the local nature reserve. One of Amy’s go to inspirational quotes is: “Believe you can and you’re halfway there.”
Cheryl Jordaan, Administrator / Advisor
Cheryl Jordaan works part-time within the Advice and Representation Service / Social Workers Union and is based within Birmingham. Cheryl has been working for BASW since 2005, starting in reception, a 6-month contract within BASW’s England team and finally within A&R. Cheryl enjoys working for the Advice and Representation Service/SWU as she enjoys helping people, whatever their situation is, which in turn gives her an enormous sense of satisfaction. Cheryl also enjoys working within a dedicated team of professionals.
Cheryl studied art, fashion and textiles at college and previously worked as a dental nurse for a time and as an administrator for a domiciliary care company situated in Birmingham. She has two teenage sons and enjoys socialising with friends and family, art galleries, yoga, and days outs with her children.
One of Cheryl’s favorite quotes is: “Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.”