We are delighted to announce the winners of the SWU Assignment: World Social Work Day 2024 Essay Competition
Four social work students / apprentices have each won a prize of £500 for their outstanding essays on reflective supervision.
Four social work students / apprentices have each won a prize of £500 for their outstanding essays on reflective supervision.
Be sure to download your free copy of the Reflective Supervision Guide which is now available on the SWU website.
SWU and BNU have worked closely with social workers across the UK to develop a comprehensive approach to best practice for reflective supervision sessions.
Join us in calling on all political parties in Westminster to introduce the socio-economic duty of the Equality Act 2010 and help make austerity unlawful
Edith Till reflects on how the SWU Conference has inspired her and benefited her as a social work student.
Social workers, students, and trade unionists from across the UK gathered in Manchester to discuss activism and solidarity.
Our upcoming AGM will be held online on Friday 27th September 2024 from 2– 4pm. This event is for SWU members only.
SWU and BASW support the Campaign Action Pack and encourage social workers to make use of this brilliant and accessible resource.
Angi Naylor brings you up to date with the Annual General Meeting (AGM) Motion 5 and asks for your support and action. “This AGM recognises that the Austerity Action Group (Boot Out Austerity Marches On) continues to identify and lobby Read more
Social work students and apprentices be sure to submit your entries by the end of day Sunday 16th June 2024 for the chance to win £500.