All social workers and social work students in the UK are welcome to attend this free online advice and representation session.
We invite social workers and social work students to talk directly with the Social Workers Union (SWU) on Monday, 12 February 2024 from 6:00pm to 7:00pm about workplace issues that they are experiencing.
This session is free to attend and is a safe space where questions can be asked anonymously.
A panel of Advice & Representation Trade Union Officers will be on hand to answer your questions live during the webinar. Topics that attendees have enquired about in previous sessions include:
- Refused part-time working requests
- Challenging workplace restructuring plans
- Agency worker rights
- Work-related stress
- Entitlement to extra support for dyslexia
- Experiencing bullying and harassment
You have until 2pm on February 12th to register your place for this Talk to SWU webinar.
If you have booked your place and would like to submit a question in advance you may send it to by February 11th. Please ensure that questions are concise and avoid going into very specific details.
If you are a member with a complex workplace issue that requires a longer discussion, we encourage you to call the Advice & Representation Service and speak to one of our duty initial response team.
Interested in seeing what a Talk to SWU webinar is like? You can watch the previous session below!
This is a recording of a previous Talk to SWU webinar. Please note that this webinar was recorded on 30 March 2023 and some of the information may now be out of date.
Support available to SWU and BASW members
The BASW and SWU Advice & Representation (A&R) team has developed 46 new guidance sheets to support our social worker members from their first day of membership. These documents cover a wide range of employment law matters and on fitness to practice processes.
BASW members become eligible for telephone advice after just one month of membership. If you opt-in to SWU at the same time as joining BASW then you will also be eligible to receive representation from a SWU Trade Union Official after the one-month qualifying period. Please note that to qualify for advice and / or representation, the issue cannot have been a known pre-existing issue or active during the one-month qualifying period.
You can read here about the benefits of being a member of SWU including access to GFTU training – so remember to opt into SWU with your BASW membership!