Over 400 social work students write to ministers over bursary failures
Many social work students face unique levels of financial hardship as they are unable to work part-time while completing their studies.
Many social work students face unique levels of financial hardship as they are unable to work part-time while completing their studies.
No worker should be pushed into poverty, unsustainable debt, or homelessness simply because of the papers they hold.
Four social work students / apprentices have each won a prize of £500 for their outstanding essays on supporting diverse communities across the UK.
Two social work students have been presented with special awards for their campaign to secure bursaries for students on placements in Scotland.
Sign UNICEF UK’s Early Moments Matter petition calling on the UK Government to introduce a National Baby and Toddler Guarantee.
The highlight of the Durham Miner’s Gala weekend was the launch of the GFTU Educational Trust’s new training programme.
SWU has called for a meeting with Ofcom following reports of inaccurate portrayal of social workers in broadcast media.