If you’re in or around Birmingham on March 20th be sure to book your free ticket and stop by our stall to say hello.
The Social Workers Union (SWU) and BASW England will be at the COMPASS Jobs Fair in Birmingham on Monday March 20th, 2023. We invite members and new faces alike to visit us at our stall!
Throughout the event SWU National Organiser and Union Contact Manager Carol Reid will be available to answer questions from those who were interested in becoming SWU Union Contacts and how to become more involved with the union. SWU General Secretary John McGowan will also be introducing the new SWU Assistant General Secretary!
Tickets are free and can be booked here: https://www.compassjobsfair.com/Events/Birmingham/Book-Tickets
SWU and BASW England are pleased to be contributing to the programme of events on the day.
SWU General Secretary John McGowan, Professor Jermaine Ravalier from Bath Spa University, and BASW England Professional Officer Liz Howard will discuss “How in 2023 do we improve on stress and working conditions for UK social workers?” We will be discussing the current working conditions in social work and the changes that have been made since 2018. This event will take place at 1:30pm in the Innovate room and we hope to see you there!
BASW England will also be presenting the events “Social workers and campaigning on the cost-of-living crisis” at 10:20am and “Homes not Hospitals: Supporting people to avoid admissions to hospital” at 3:40pm in the Discover room.
In the meantime, you may be interested in reading “A Rapid Review of Reflective Supervision in Social Work”. John McGowan and Professor Jermaine Ravalier contributed to this British Journal of Social Work research paper that focuses on what works, why, and the implications of both good and poor reflective supervision. Supervision is a key area in social work development which is why Bath Spa University, SWU, and others are working together on this new piece of the ‘working conditions’ jigsaw to develop and make available best practice supervision for social workers and related professionals.